Coliban Water


Project Overview

The project was to undertake a “social benchmarking study” for the North Central Catchment Management Authority and Coliban Water. The objective was to provide NCCMA and CW with information to better inform engagement with landowners. The project employed a survey to gather spatially-referenced data from a random sample of landowners across the Upper Coliban Catchment. Approximately 1,300 landowners with properties >2ha within the Upper Coliban Catchment. With an expected 50% response rate, there should sufficient responses to provide reliable information for different landowner types (e.g. Full-time farmers, Part-time farmers, Hobby Farmers, Non-farmers).

Survey Design & Mailout

In this phase, Prof Curtis worked with a project advisory committee (PAC) to identify the topics to be included in the survey. Draft survey items for each topic were developed and reviewed by the PAC and revised as needed. A final draft was pre-tested using two workshops with landowners in the Upper Coliban region. CW and NCCMA liaised with relevant Local Government bodies to access owner names/addresses and property locations for a random sample of property owners with >2ha across the Upper Coliban Catchment. Prof Curtis’ team posted surveys to landowners. The process involved an initial mail out (survey booklets, introductory note, stamped and addressed return envelope) and three reminder cards. After about six weeks, a second mailing was made to non-respondents. Up to two reminder notices were posted to those included in the second mail out. An 1800 number and email contact were available for landowners to phone for assistance.

Survey Design & Mailout

In this phase, Prof Curtis worked with a project advisory committee (PAC) to identify the topics to be included in the survey. Draft survey items for each topic were developed and reviewed by the PAC and revised as needed. A final draft was pre-tested using two workshops with landowners in the Upper Coliban region. CW and NCCMA liaised with relevant Local Government bodies to access owner names/addresses and property locations for a random sample of property owners with >2ha across the Upper Coliban Catchment. Prof Curtis’ team posted surveys to landowners. The process involved an initial mail out (survey booklets, introductory note, stamped and addressed return envelope) and three reminder cards. After about six weeks, a second mailing was made to non-respondents. Up to two reminder notices were posted to those included in the second mail out. An 1800 number and email contact were available for landowners to phone for assistance.

Data entry, analysis & reporting

Prof Curtis and team prepared summary data for each survey topic to identify the key influences from those factors included in the survey on landowner management expected to affect water quality outcomes. Results are then presented in a draft report and discussed at a workshop with the PAC. Prof Curtis then revised the draft report and submitted a Final Report to CW and the NCCMA. Following acceptance of the Final Report, Prof Curtis facilitated a half-day workshop with CW and NCCMA staff to explore the key findings and implications of the social benchmarking study.

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